About Micki

Michele's gotten pretty involved in RV'g and crocheting.

She's the main social planner, trip planner, budgeter, and navigator. If it wasn't for her we would be wasting our time being on the road. She's a virtual encyclopedia on history. If I had had a friend like her when I was in High School I would have appreciated history much more than I did and probably gotten A's in that subject versus my C's.

She's taken on the art of crocheting (please click on the crochet link and check it out!). The American Flag was her first big attempt while we were on the road. It was very frustrating for her to follow the instruction book ... apparently there is a difference in the approach to the stitches if you are not 'right handed'. The Afghan was a combination of 48 individual crochet'd flags. It took her several attempts to get the flags correct, as being left handed they continued to come out upside down (yes there is a front and a back to crochet'g) finally we both agreed that she should work the pattern from the back to the front and WOW! it worked!

She's got a great sense of humor and puts up with me(Roy) which is quite a task in itself.